[Unity 3D] CubeWays

CubeWays is a game made with Unity 3D for my third year’s annual project (2013).

Its a first person reflexion and platformer game, highly inspired by game such as Portal or AntiChamber.

We had several constraint :

  • Forbid to use text, in order to let the game design explain game mecanics by itself.
  • Forbid to use assets, scripts or packages not create by ourselves.
  • The game had to have a minimum length of 15 minutes.

The goal is to reach as rapidly as possible the exit of each level by using the cubes offered to the player.

  • Left click drop a cube
  • Right click take it back.

The player also have the possibilities to apply properties to cubes, which unlock as soon the player progress in the game.

  • Red Cube : The bouncing cube, the player is ejected when jumping on it. Activated with the 1/& keyboard key (AZERTY).
  • Yellow Cube : Sticky cube, the player can place the cuba against a wall in order to paste it. Activated withe the 2/é keyboard key.
  • Blue Cube : Mirror cube,  the cube moves like a mirror accordingly to the player moves. Needed to exit class labyrinth. Activated withe the 3/ » keyboard key.

Once all the properties has been unlock, the player as the possibilities to combine them for answering particular situation in game.

The drop of cubes with properties add time to the timer.



Introduction video by Alain Berment.

Game Download :



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